Building Your Business Engine
The Systems, the Tactics and the Processes to succeed in Real Estate



Online Sales Funnels
90% of all transactions in your industry begin online. Earning business online means having multiple online sales funnels. These are landing pages that represent “mini sales presentations” that people in your local market see and respond to. While your website will be their next stop, online sales funnels is how people initial engage. We not only have the technology for you to build unlimited online sales funnels, but we’ve also built “Done-For- You Online Campaigns (SpiderPro only)” that you can immediately use to generate your own leads online.
What's a complete funnel consist of?
1. An online lead capture page
2. An auto-responder (they provide their contact info in exchange for what comes next)
3. Drips – unexpected added value
4. The lead is 100% managed by the system and triggers your inbox when it’s time to call them
It is a lot of work to build 1, let alone multiple funnels right? Don’t worry, we’ve done all of this for you. (SpiderPro)
- For Sale By Owner Funnel
- What’s My Home Worth Funnel
- Expired Listings Funnel
- List of Areas Foreclosed Properties funnel
- Do it yourself design templates included
- Get More Realtor Partners Funnel
- Low Down/No Down Payment Funnel
- Home Loans For Small Business Owners Funnel
- Many more DIY designs and templates
- Work Flow Management
- CRM and Referral Engine
Coming soon…
Workflow Automation
What is workflow automation? In simple terms it’s automating your entire follow up. Its taking everything administrative and creating automation around it. Workflows contain a combination of calls, emails, letters, videos alerts and reminders at precise times; and we’ve built it all for you. The schematics and the content; done for you. The end result? Right now if you’re like most over 50% of your workweek is on non-sales activity. Spider will cut that number to 5% and NOTHING will fall through the cracks.
- Lead Conversion Workflow automation –referred and cold lead automation
- Deal Pipeline Workflow automation- manage the entire in pipeline deals by pressing buttons
- Online Sales Funnel Workflow automation
CRM & Getting More Referrals
We don’t just provide the tools. We provide the strategy!
It’s no secret that the top 1% of all sales professionals are diligent at both building and engaging their database. The end result is a referral pipeline that produces consistent high income each year. While most either don’t do anything to organize and engage their database, some simply don’t know what truly triggers a community of people that are always promoting you.
Today’s elusive consumer does not have the time to read lengthy emails. What does work today are modern day forms of communication: Video, texting and social media engagement. In simple terms: communicate how they communicate. Spider was built with these forms of modern day communication right inside the system so that you can reach, engage and attract more referrals from your database. Included in your purchase is a referral system we call Bird Dog. Bird Dog is proven and is the single greatest referral engine that exists in the marketplace today. Bird dog is a training course and a methodology that will maximize the referral opportunities that exist inside of your database
- Contact Management
- Intelligent Links
- Social Connector
- Client Touch
- Birthday Assistant
- Email integration
See Full List of all CRM Features and Product Tour
Real Estate agents are bombarded with tools. And if you’re like most, you have purchased many things that were suppose to help you grow your business only to find that it didn’t work; YOU have to do all of the thinking, doing and executing. This might be you: Top producers are database maniacs so you invest in a CRM. Someone tells you that you need video, so you get a video email tool. Others tell you, you need landing pages so you buy a landing page maker. You inherently know you need a website, so you buy a website with a monthly plan only to find that its simply not generating leads for you because no one is finding you…you’re not indexed on Google Bing or Yahoo! And every one of these components are completely divorced from one another-no synergy, no connectivity and therefore, no result. What if everything you needed to manage both online and offline sales was in 1 spot? And it was affordable. What if the planning, designing and doing were all done for you; all you had to do was get familiar and execute? That is what we have done for the Real Estate Community. Spider has been designed by today’s Top Real Estate Agents- who’ve been begging for a solution that was simple and effective. Every modern day tool you need is part of Spider. However, tools alone do not generate results…That is why we have also include the ideas, the content, the sales methodologies and the creativity.that generates and converts leads. Spider is psychology, sales ability and technology wrapped into a single, easy to use platform.
The statement that you have to do twice as much work to earn what you used to earn can certainly hold true such as long as you do what you’ve always have done to generate business! Mortgage loan originators MUST look beyond referrals from their existing Real Estate partners to generate business. The average loan originator spends over half of their work week managing their deals in the pipeline.Why not have anything that’s bogging your down completely automated? Why not instantly have the ability to generate business online? That’s what Spider does for you. Top loan originators today that want to earn big income, know they must generate leads from multiple sources. We’ve built complete online sales funnels: landing page designs, content, auto-responders, drips..and we show you how to get those funnels in front of the online community; people that are looking to purchase or refinance. Take a tour today and let us help you gain more control, have more time and earn more money.
Spider for Insurance Agents was designed to help agents capture the online shopper, provide credibility to your business and automate your prospecting communication workflow. In addition, Spider for Insurance allows you to up-sell and cross sell your various product lines by leveraging our pre-built up-sell funnels. Imagine doing a video email blast and when your customers click on a link to learn more about the product you’re featuring; and when that happens the Spider automatically sends follow up content and places in your “to-do” box a call reminder to anyone that clicked on the link. That’s called our “Intelligent Link” feature- you hit send, the system does the rest. The Spider does the work of a full time assistant for your business because of the workflow management that is included with the system. Insurance Agents have paid far too much money to lead aggregators; purchasing leads where in many cases takes a few years to start earning profit from that new customer. Get in the drivers’ seat and let Spider generate your own organic leads for you !

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